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Necessary Physical Assessment Workshops

8.4 Contact Hours

About the course:

Designed for nurses who are not NPs and based upon the third edition of Dr. Kellermann's book, NECESSARY Physical Assessment. The book is founded upon a research study of 350 RNs who were not NPs asking them what they REALLY assessed on Adult patients regardless of the practice arena. The first edition was selected by the International Congress of Nursing, based in Geneva, as a example of outstanding nursing education in the United States.

In just one day, learn the must knows of physical assessment for nurses who are not nurse practitioners or clinical specialists. Based upon a research study of 350 nurses and review of assessment sheets nationally, we figured out the "must knows" for safe clinical practice. Taught by the author of the book, there are no substitutions.

  • Did you know that palpation of the belly could be risky business?
  • Do you know where lung tissue begins and ends?
  • Did you know that use of the opthalmoscope is irrelevant to the mainstay of nursing practice?

Did you realize that the diaphragm is the most important part of the stethoscope? We teach it differently, with accelerated learning methods. You’ll color with markers, clap, and use catchy jingles. Whatever it takes to get you to learn, we will do. It’s unbelievable. Get a group together and we will come to you. You come for free.


1 day workshop, 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM

Pricing: $199


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