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Necessary NP Review Workshop

18 or 23 Contact Hours (ANCC approved through MNA)





 About the Necessary NP review... 

If you are an ADULT GERO NP or FNP - Join the thousands of students who have taken the Necessary NP Review over the past 20 years with nearly 100% success on the AANP and ANCC tests!

Use Dr. Kellermann copyrightten NECESSARY WHOLE Brain teaching Methods and learning techniques (color, music, laughter, imagery, motion. collaboration, acronyms and so much more) to improve quick recall of the vast amount of information covered in NP programs. Follow the KELLERMANN schematic that is catching on across the country to help you prioritize, organize and respond to NP Certification questions.

You are provided a pdf file  of information including practice questions covering: HEENT, Mouth, Pharynx, Heart, Lungs, GI, Endocrine, Anemias, STD, Kidney, Prostate, Menopause, Endocrine, Contraception, DERM, Mental status, Depression, Suicide, Abuse, Nurse Practitioner Certification test strategies, self care suggestions to decrease stress, Health Care trends and issues for NP practice.



$400.00 - ADULT GERO NPs taking only the first 2 days. (18 contact hours includes pharm hours)

$450.00 - FNPs taking first 2 days and an additional shorter 3rd day for pediatrics on the third day. (23 contact hours includes pharm hours)

Additional Perks:

Retake any course for FREE online within 2 months of original attendance. This applies to all attendees of any Dr. Kellermann's live courses. Especially helpful for those with test-taking anxiety.

If you are unsucessful on your NP certification exam (which is unlikeley!), Dr. Kellermann will tutor you personally for a free 30-minute session. 



Dr. Kellermann will come to your school or institution! Become a course organizer and you attend the workshop for free. 

CLICK HERE to arrange a course!